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Ed's BatteriesEd's Batteries

About Us

Welcome to Ed’s Batteries! We are a family owned business in it’s 3rd generation. We have been offering quality products at fair prices with guaranteed service since 1975. We personally service all of Southern Maine, Eastern and Coastal Maine as far north as Rockport. Southeastern NH to the Mass Border.

When Ed Willette started repairing and selling batteries in the “barn”, batteries, and in fact, most everything was a lot simpler. Today battery technology has advanced considerably. We keep up to date with that technology through training programs and aligning ourselves with the worlds best product lines.

Although the products have changed, our philosophy hasn’t . Give the customer a high quality product, stand behind it and offer better service than anyone else.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you.

We carry a large inventory and a diverse line of products to fit many applications including:
Automotive, Commercial, Solar, Renewable Energy, Janitorial / Scrubber, Industrial, Mobility / Wheelchairs, ATV, Lawn & Garden, Aircraft, Marine, R/V Sump Pumps, emergency Lighting Alarms, Hobbies/Toys, Ordinance, Generators, Cell Phones, Golf Carts, Motorcycles, Snowmobile, Chargers, Pallet Jack, Forklift, Booster Packs, U.P.S. Back Up, SLA and MORE!

Trojan Ultrapower Odyssey Enersys Fullriver
Motocross NorthStar Optima Lifeline
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